Try to stay away from zombies and get the dog to defend you from them. Throw the ball near the zombies to get the dog to attack them. The dog will return to you when there are no more zombies nearby. If the dog is losing a fight, you will have to distract them with the ball.

Losing (dying) causes the game to crash. There is no win state.


  • aim: mouse or right stick
  • movement: WASD or left stick
  • throw ball (when holding ball): left mouse button or R1
  • recall dog (when they're away with the ball): left mouse button
  • retrieve ball from dog (when player is standing next to dog)


This is the most recent stable version of a game I attempted to make. The idea was to form a interdependent relationship with a dog. The core theme was that dogs cannot be evil. The core mechanic was to be a fetch & command & recall loop. The aesthetic was meant to be dark.

Later versions leaned into the twin-stick action aspect of the game, and introduced a mood system where the dog and the enemies could become "enraged" or "fearful."

Ultimately I was unable to find the fun using any of the above ingredients.

Project releases:

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